Blue Ink or Black for Official Forms ??


Registered User
Apologies if this is a slightly silly question...

When filling in application type forms (as an applicant) to be sent a government department(s), do you think it is better to use blue ink or black ink?

Just wondered if there is any slight advantage in using one colour over the other...

I would think blue ink shows up better against the black print already on a form, but perhaps black ink looks more business-like.

I remember when I was at college, there was a lecturer who would go completely crazy if anyone used blue ink when doing project work! :)
I would have grave reservations about working for any employer that would be sufficiently picky on this type of thing!
"I would have grave reservations about working for any employer that would be sufficiently picky on this type of thing!"

Best not get a job in a regulated industry where this sort of thing is very important. It must drive "outsiders" bonkers to have these rules foisted upon them even if they are just consulting on site.

To address the original query if it were not specified I would tend to use black as it is IMO more legible however blue is a better ink to use from the perspective of a photocopy as the original is clearly distinguishable from the original.