blood test results


Registered User
Can anyone inform me on what a high white blood cell count can mean. Someone close to me got a blood test done recently and they got a letter in the post saying to contact the sugery ASAP. When he contacted them the doc wouldnt discuss anything over the phone but tell him he needs to collect a letter from him to go to casualty as he had a high white blood cell count. Im trying to find out as much info as possible in order to reassure or at least inform this person as he wont attend the surgery(stupid i know!) after getting this "scare" from the doc. Any info would be great! Thanks.
Sarah, tell your friend to contact their GP if they have any fears. If the GP can't (or won't based on some of their attitudes) advise them, then a practice nurse there should be able to help. Basically, he should explain that he is scared and that he will look for information on the net if they can't explain.

Another alternative is just to kick his ass and send him down there (I find that approach works with most f*********** stubborn-ass men!!!!!!)

I wouldn't use the internet for advice as you can be scared silly by something that's not as serious as Google makes it appear!
Listen to his concerns. Obviously alot would maybe relate to the reason he had a blood test done in the first place. In any case, strongly advise him to have a chat with his GP.
Certainly there is no value in looking an encyclopaedic list of things on the internet. Best of luck
I suggest you lie to your friend:

Don't mention anything about leukemia etc., the most important important thing is that he goes to the GP.
sun_sparks said:
I wouldn't use the internet for advice as you can be scared silly by something that's not as serious as Google makes it appear!
Sunster said:
Certainly there is no value in looking an encyclopaedic list of things on the internet. Best of luck
I disagree. Just to clarify - the original poster asked for information about what high white cell count might indicate and the Google search that I posted returns a wealth of factual information about what this might mean. Obviously this runs the gamut from minor to major illnesses and neither I nor anobody else here is in a position to qualify things further. I would agree with not attempting to self diagnose or infer things from web based material alone but I see no harm at all in people (the individual and/or associates) apprising themselves of the facts and the possible issues involved. I totally agree that one must be guided primarily by the health professionals in such matters but also feel that forewarned and informed is forearmed. In this case I also agree that the most important thing is for the individual involved to go or be encouraged to go to their doctor to discuss matters.
I agree with sun_sparks. The doctor is supposed to be your primary care physician but I don't really see any care here. When he/she took the blood sample from your friend he/she would have known the possible results based on his/her clinical knowledge.

I would go back to the gp in person and ask for an explaination about what the test results mean ... I would not be fobbed off with a letter for casualty without an explaination. Your friend paid his money to see the doctor and should expect better service than that.

Good luck and try not to worry.
ClubMan, I agree about the value of the internet, but I think it's more useful when used sensibly to research a known condition.

Given the variety of conditions that can give rise to these white blood cell results, and human tendency to focus on the worse case scenario, internet research will only cause more stress than good.

Once Sarah's friend receives his diagnosis, as I'm sure he will after his hospital appointment, then he can Google to his heart's content.

PS: Am not saying don't do research, but just be absolutely aware of the limitations. While ClubMan is correct in saying that he will be more informed afterward, I just don't necessarily see the benefit in seeing all possible implications without some idea of what is involved.
Thanks to all your replies. He actually went to get a blood test done as a routine healt check at the request(demand!) of his wife! So there are /were no indications that he was/is unwell. However he is going to the GP today accompiniaed by his wife and all should be well. I agree that sometimes the internet can be scary when it comes to symptoms of medical issues but any information is welcome. We should find out later today whats happening and as a standard practice he is getting another blood test done but it seems to not be as serious as what i first feared. Defo agree on men and how they approach their other hals is the exact same and wont go near a dentist/doctor/hospital unless dragged there....but if theres a lesson to be learned its that routine health checks are very important as sometimes even when you feel healthy there could be undelying problems! So i think this has made him nore aware! So thanks again to everyone who replied!