Blogging - best & easy ways to start one


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Hi all,

Calling anyone who writes a blog! :) What are the best ways for a non-techie person to set one up without needing a web designer? I've checked out Google's Blogger but it seems a bit basic to me. Although maybe I'm not aware of all its potential features.

Can anyone recommend any other ways to start up a decent looking blog?

Thanks! is great... no fees, just create an account and your blog is online for everyone to see. You can customise how it looks by applying "themes". It is easy, have a look....
Thanks Aristotle, that does look really good. Some of the examples of blogs created there look great. I'll have a tinker with it...!
Curious why you want a blog?

To share my humble thoughts and views with the world at large (if anyone is interested in reading them of course!) :) Like any other blogger I guess!

Why? Would you have a different recommendation depending on the content of the blog or something?
I blog too.
I use blogger....but I believe wordpress is better/easier to use.

Why blog?
I guess it is for those of us with the urge to write, to publish our witherings without being limited by talent or ability.

I really blog for family and friends to keep up with my goings on abroad.
I've tried facebook too....but I think I prefer blogging. Its more versatile.
I second wordpress. It is easy to use for anyone who just wants to post stuff up but also allows the chance to experiment and create your own page template if you like.
I have been using it for about 6 months now with no bother.