Blocked Toilets


Registered User
Can anyone advise on the best way of unblocking toilets? I bought stuff to pour dowm, didnt work, and went to woodies for those rods that are described in other posts but they didnt have them. Also, as both are blocked, and I'm in an apartment block, could it be a more wide scale issue that the anagement company might need to address?
you can get special toilet plungers in a good hardware but it sounds like a wider problem. get the management company in
you'd find it virtually impossible in any case to bend rods around the u bend in a tried an old fashioned plunger? And you asked any neighbours if they are having toilet issues....obviously assuring them its their actual toilet as opposed to stomach you are enquiring about....if someone else is in trouble you know you have a bigger issue.
plunger! but you should find out if anyone elses is blocked first as it may be a building problem not exactly to do with your place
Can't believe I am actually typing this but ... be careful of the toilet paper that you are using. My parents' and aunt's toilets got blocked due to a certain German supermarket chain's toilet paper. They used the rods to clear it but both were in houses rather than apartments.
cardigan said:
Can't believe I am actually typing this but ... be careful of the toilet paper that you are using. My parents' and aunt's toilets got blocked due to a certain German supermarket chain's toilet paper. They used the rods to clear it but both were in houses rather than apartments.

snap..... happened some time back with me expensive lesson after I had to get a drain company out to clear it.
Its weird but our toilet is now blocking more often these days.

Our fibre intake hasn't lessened any but we have changed toilet roll brand to a more expensive, thicker sheet.

I find the suction from plunging the toilet brush in and out will eventually clear the blockage.
There are of course less vile ways to aviod toilet blockages.....i.e, once the sewers back-up, sell the house through an unsuspecting estate agent and arrange to have coffee brewing and bread baking every time someone comes for a viewing! :)
After a similar problem, our plumber advised not to use expensive toilet paper but the cheaper stuff as it breaks up easier - no more double velvet for me;)