Blocked shower drain


Registered User
I m just wondering if anyone has idea on how to unblock the shower drain without having to call a plumber please. Thanks
1) The outlet on the shower tray may come loose if you give it a half-turn or quarter -turn anti-clockwise. Throw the gunk you find in the bin, don't rinse it down the drain!

2) Run cold water into the shower tray, stick a rubber plunger over the drain-hole and exercise you plunging muscles by pressiing and lifting plunger. Scoop up gunk and throw in bin.

3). Pour drain cleaner down outlet and leave it overnight if possible. Rinse shower tray well with cold water before using.

Try suggestions in that sequence. Do not be tempted to try 2) after 3) unless you are wearing rubber gloves and goggles.

If none of these works, call plumber.
A solution of washing soda and hot water will clear grease and scum deposits very effectively.
Thanks both of you, Carpenter, where do i get the washins soda that you mentioned.
I have used Mr Muscle sink and drain unblocker in the past to good effect, get it most supermarkets
It's well worth putting one of those thingys over the shower drain to prevent stuff falliing down.

I had to unblock the drain once after it got so bad that the shower tray filled up. Fortunately the drain was of the type that it could be opened and lifted out.

Amongst the hair, grease and soap slime, I found the protective cover off a disposable razor, the broken-off flip top from a shower gel bottle and a number of hair clips...

Not a nice job!
Amongst the hair, grease and soap slime, I found the protective cover off a disposable razor, the broken-off flip top from a shower gel bottle and a number of hair clips...

Who was using the shower?!? Mrs. Doubtfire?!?