Blocked in by TakeAway Delivery Guy leading to Verbal abuse. Anything I can do?

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Yesterday evening I parked (legally) outside a Chinese takeaway in a small row of shops near Clontarf in Dublin when I was passing (ie I do not live there). I went into another shop a few doors up and when I came back I was blocked in by a badly parked car which was on the pavement rather than in a space. This car turned out to be belonging to the takeaway delivery man who came out of the takeaway 10 minutes later.

When I pointed out that I couldn't leave due to his bad parking he got really angry, told me where he worked and then proceeded to verbally abuse me in a most loud and personal manner. (e.g. I had "mental illness" and needed "anger management teaching").

I went into the takeaway to tell them what was happening and hopefully get him to stop, but they said the manager was out and they declined to do anything themselves apart from apologise for the delivery guy. The delivery man had still not moved his car and took the opportunity to shout at and personally abuse me again when I went back to my own car.

Do I have the right to do anything/ send letter/make complaint about this? I left my name and phone number (at my own insistence) with the other staff for the absent manager but have heard nothing so far.

I'm not bothered about the parking itself, and don't want to cause hassle out of pettiness, but I'm sure that this was probably not the first or last time this fella has acted this way and I really don't think I should do nothing!

Thanks in advance.
Re: Verbal abuse from stranger

Do nothing.

What can you possibly gain from this situation? Maybe the bloke was having a bad day. Who knows?
I'd be very surprised if you hear anything back from the takeaway owner.
Re: Verbal abuse from stranger

Of course you have the right to get redress but is it worth it? Just put it down to experience and let someone with a temper put this guy in his place. You can smile when you think of how dispossessed he felt in a public road :)
"Blocked in by TakeAway Delivery Guy leading to Verbal abuse. Anything I can do?"

walk away, not worth your time dealing with this type. Don't patronise that takeaway & let them know why. Let them carry the burden. Move on.

End of story.
I agree with the above. Let the manager of the takeaway know that you won't be using them again and that you will also be passing on your experience to other people in the area. Then just forget about it.
Ring up for an order (from a payphone) to a non existent address e.g. house number 37 for a street with 36 houses or a house under construction.

It's wrong but you will feel satisfied.
You could do something different.

If it happens again (well you can dream) you could take pics of the car on your phone, make sure he knows you are doing it then if he asks you to stop refuse then make sure you take pics of his tyres, his brake lights, his insurance disc, tax disc and anything else that takes your fancy, the inside of the car and you can even take a pic of him too.

Once it is on a public road you can do whatever you want so long as you don't damage the car or him if he threatens to call the police let him, just make sure they see the illegally parked car.
Why didn't you ring the Gardaí?

Blocking someone like this may well be an RTA offence.
You should have pointed this out as one of your options to him.
Persons who travel for a living should be courteous to other road users.

Thanks guys, think I'll leave it- I was bothered about the abusive reaction rather than the selfish bad parking but I guess that guy has to live with himself and his employer has to endure him too - enough payback without me getting involved!
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