Blocked Drains in Old Cottage


Registered User

Could anyone recommend a plumber that would be an expert in plumbing in old cottagesM? y cottage shares a drain with the neighbours. We currently have a block (I have a tenant in there). Dyno-Rod called out last Thursday, after their inspection they confirmed that the problem could not be fixed in the cottage itself but is in one of the connecting drains. Is there a company that specializes in this?
(We are in the process of contacting the neighbours)
What advice did Dyno-rod give you? Is there a possibility that your local Council should be contacted?
Dyno Rod will probably still fix it if they can get access to the "connecting drains" possibly from the neighbour's house or from the nearest manhole.
call the council. if it is a mains problem , theyll fix it for free. if not they should only charge you a fraction of what the likes of dyno-rod would.