Blisters on feet


Registered User
Any suggestions for making them better...played first rugby match in ages last Sat and feet are shredded. Lost about 1 square inch + of skin in 3 places under the 2 feet....
Talk to your local pharmacist.

And consider either giving up the rugby or investing in better boots / socks
Talk to your local pharmacist.

And consider either giving up the rugby or investing in better boots / socks

Brand new boots.....specific rugby boots. Brand new socks. The problem was the new boots..not broken in yet.
Compeed are the best for blisters (though not cheap); they have a plaster type version and also a liquid which is handy if you have blisters where plasters would be awkward (around toes for ex).
It won't help the current situation but in future I find wearing two pairs of socks helps prevent them. One pair of normal socks or those short ones you wear with shorts and the normal rugby socks should do the trick.
It won't help the current situation but in future I find wearing two pairs of socks helps prevent them. One pair of normal socks or those short ones you wear with shorts and the normal rugby socks should do the trick.

Indeed and I had 2 pairs on!
Any suggestions for making them better...played first rugby match in ages last Sat and feet are shredded. Lost about 1 square inch + of skin in 3 places under the 2 feet....

Here's what works for me.....rub loads of vaseline on the affected area before putting
on your socks. In my case it's usually the ball of my foot and sometimes my heel.

Anyway rub loads of vaseline on there, then put on your socks and rub loads of
vaseline on the same area of your sock...don't be sparing. Then put on your boot
and play.

This method worked for me, it reduces the friction on the skin when starting &
stopping and hence stopped my skin rubbing off. I'm sure your feet will harden in
a few weeks anyway.
You should always wear your boots before you put them on
Have been using the vaseline approach for years - its a winner - takes all the friction away. I put it all over the soles of my feet and then put socks on. Trained for and ran a marathon earlier in the year - not a blister in sight.
Also recommend it on the inside of your thighs where shorts can also cause friction burns (no funny responses necessary).
Also recommend it on the inside of your thighs where shorts can also cause friction burns (no funny responses necessary).

Knew someone who did that. Vaseline melted, slime all over the front of shorts. We got some laugh out of it at the guys expense!