Blinds/net curtains, options?


Registered User
Does anyone know of an attractive window dressing which will allow sunlight in but also provide some privacy. We have a large half bay window opposite the gate and would like to stop people seeing in too clearly but hate to lose all the light. I'd like to build a window seat there though so don't like the idea of net curtains or heavy velux blinds. I've looked at sheer blinds which might work but they're designed to tone down light and don't provide a huge amount of privacy. Any other solutions? Thanks.
not sure if this is what you mean by sheer blinds, but i have come accross blinds like venetian blinds except made from double sided sheer-ish material, and operate in the same way as a venetian blind, except no laths, if you know what i mean. Had some beautiful designs....saw them in curtain (doh) section on McGowans Furniture in Airside! No idea how much they cost, and I didn;t hold them up to the light so couldn't tell you how "see-through" they are, but seems to provide the function of privacy whilst allowing light come thorugh!
I had white lace curtains for years. I changed to timber venetian blinds recently, they are timber lats about three quarters of an inch wide. I have them on three very large windows to the front of the house and find them great. They let plenty of light into the roams and I can adjusted them so that I can have as much or as little privacy as I want. It cost approx €1,000 for my three windows and that included fitting. These blinds are available nationwide.
I'll second the wooden venetian blinds recommendation. They really do allow light in while maintaining privacy.
Here's another vote for the wooden blinds! I got the wider blinds and IMO I think they look much better. 700 euro for 4 windows, measured and fitted.
I agree that i love the look of the wooden venetian blinds but the only thing i'm not quite sure of is the fact that if you want to complete open your blind, depending on the window length, there can be quite a block of blind, ie they dont contract back on themselves completely! If you're leaving them closed, so they are adjustable, all the time, I agree, they are beautiful!
Sloggi, I'm probably stating the obvious :). If you want to keep your window clear of the venetian blind why not affix it above the frame, i.e. on the wall (if space allows). If you don't like the look of the fitting you could then make a box type pelmet, not a big one, just deep enough to hide the blind when pulled up, using an attractive piece of wood.

If you do decide on the wooden blinds, can I remind you that there are 1" and 2" size slats. Bearing in mind that light is important to you - Afaik I know the 2" size slats allow in more light, more "light" space between each slat. Am I making sense. :D
I agree justsally there is any amount of things you can do, just highlighting the potential pitfalls to the OP!
I have been thinking about a similar issue, and have looked at window film on the internet. Looks great in the photos, but I wonder if it would actually be really difficult to apply - airbubbles etc? I liked it because it reminded me of houses in Amsterdam - there are loads of houses along the canals where people passing by look straight into kitchens/living rooms. Lots of people have acid-etched squares on the windows at eye level, which obscures people's vision as they walk by but allows light in. I don't know if you can picture that - it's hard to describe.

Anyway, here's two sites that sell this stuff, but as I say, I have no idea what it would look like in real life.

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Thanks, I'd like to be able to have the window completely free of coverings when we want (when front gate is closed for eg) so wouldnt like something permanent like the film. I did recently see wooden blinds and had ruled them out cos they were wood coloured but then I found them in white painted wood as well and I'm considering these as I'd imagine they would reflect a lot of light even when down but open. Would deffo try to hang them high as advised so they could be pulled up fully over window. Anyone any advice on where to get them at a good price in Dublin?

Sloggi, the sheer blinds I saw were just pull down blinds made from sheer fabric but they wouldn't give much privacy I think as they are made for "light diffusion" they said. Thanks
You might like to look at the site From some post/s I read on AAM recently this company seems to be the way to go.
Thanks, looked at and prices looked good although they don't seem to have white wooden blinds which is what I'd want. Has anyone ordered from this crowd?