Blessington Manor, Co Wicklow


Registered User
Anybody have any interest in this development? They are launching on Sat 13th May and i wonder if there is going to be a mad rush or what??? Im half thinking about purchasing one. Also if anybody has any pros/cons of the area please let me know;)

Edited to correct my terrible typos!!!!!!! :eek:
blessington is a lovely area. Still got a village feel. However, traffic is growing substantially as each new estate is added to the village and Dublin Bus haven't quite kept up with the demand. Don't know about the houses in Blessington Manor, but I'm not keen on the two estates between them and the N81 - hopefully they won't be too overlooked by those estates.
IMHO Blessington is a beautiful spot but unfortunately like everywhere these days the commute is getting harder and harder. If you need to commute into town it will be heavy goin.
moesha said:
Anybody have any interest in this development? They are launching on Sat 13th May and i wonder if there is going to be a mad rush or what??? Im half thinking about purchasing one. Also if anybody has any pros/cons of the area please let me know;)

People have been queuing since Tuesday afternoon!!!

The prices are very high for Blessington at 390-430K for a 3-bed semi; 590K for a 4-bed detached and a whopping 750K for a 5-bed detached. However they look beautifully landscaped and well-laid out.
I lived in Blessington for 5 years and eventually left in 2004. Contaminated water and the hundreds of thousands of tonnes of illegal waste dumped in or around the town were the driving force in me selling up. I nievely thought that the constant media attention to the problems would affect house prices so I cashed out and moved elsewhere.

If you are serious about buying in Blessington I would do some research on the ground. Take a walk up Glen Ding and keep going over the top into the quarry. Look how close the dump sites are to the houses. Go down to the estate behind the WW Co Co offices and look at the proximity of the dump to those houses.

Google Glen Ding. Visit the an taisce website. There is going to be a price to pay for what has happened in and around Blessington and you best make sure it isn't you loosing it by paying three quarters of a million to live in an illegal dump.
All prices have been cut by 100k for the next phase, as avertised in the paper (Irish Independent) yesterday.
