Blender Vs Juicer


Registered User

Does anyone know if there is any major difference between, fruit juicers or ordinary blenders?

All I can think off is a filter system, if thats the case I think I would rather get a more expensive blender - which can do multiple tasks (and then get a sieve for making fruit juices).

I don't think a blender would be able to juice say carrots, pineapple etc like a juicer. I have both and use them a lot. I think they are very diffferent.
They are completly different. The juicer breaks down the cell wall so juice needs to be drank immediatly so as to prevent oxidation. A blender makes smoothies and retains the fibre. There is a place for both in your life.

There may be a place for both in my life but there isn't a place for both on the kitchen counter!!

thanks for the replies.....
is there a machine out there that does both at
a) a reasonable price
b) can cope with both
c) can be easily cleaned?!

I got this model in Power City for about €35 (reduced I think).

Juices and blends - you switch attachments.

Very happy with it.

There are quite a lot of bulky parts to wash but it all goes in the dishwasher so if you don't mind running the dishwasher more frequently. It works best if you rinse quickly and pop in the dishwasher.


Have you guys heard about magic bullet? Wht the review & cost like?
