Blarney to Bishopstown


Registered User

Does anybody here drive from Blarney to Bishopstown at about 8 to 8:30 in the mornings?

What kind of a commute is it?

Depends on the way you travel.

If you go through Blackpool, up the N Side, across Sundays Well, Victoria Cross and Dennehy's cross, it will take a min 45 mins.
Why not go through Tower turn left at Cloghroe pass the anglers rest and turn onto the straight road Turn right at inchigaggan which brings you onto model farm road. Should be quicker than going through town.

Another option is up faggot hill down shanakiel to sundays well and out the wilton road. Definitely don't go through town at that hour
Cheers guys,

The local knowledge comes in very handy to try to beat the traffic!!