Blackpitts-any opinion?

I like i as a location, I do think everything in D 8 is valued very high at the moment, I live in D8 and I don't think our apt is worth what it's valued at (long term). Then again I could be wrong, D8 could be the new baggot st! There is a lot of regeneration in the area and it does seem to be getting a little nicer all the time.
Hi - I lived in that general area for five years. I loved it, and don't have a bad word to say about it. Camden St is great for all kinds of things, Francis St is good to browse for antiques - though Oxfam Home is the only affordable place (!), Fallon's Pub is a genuine local, and of course you're right by the city centre. My flat did get burgled mind you - but in my opinion that can happen anywhere. It's the luck of the draw - just mentioning it to try and be objective! However, as the last poster said, property is really expensive. Every time I look property in D8 is still rocketing up. So you are paying a premium for location - as always.
Be aware that there's a massive apartment development going to be built around the Tenters pub/ESB building on Mill St. This is supposed to include a restaurant and micro brewery.