Blackout Blinds - Dublin


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Can anyone recommend somewhere to buy black out blinds for bedrooms? Ideally I'd like a company to come out and measure and then fit the blinds.
I've used

I measured, ordered and fitted myself, but I'm sure they'll do it for you too.
One word of caution with the online option. I used a different vendor to the one mentioned above, but all the blinds supplied were 25-30mm narrower than the measurements I provided. I presume this is to minimise returns, and the brackets allowed adjustment so they could be fitted, but if you're looking for blackout, the blinds need to be spot on to ensure there is no light leakage at the sides.
Have you thought about blackout lining for curtains. If you have curtains which completely cover the window, then you can attach the blackout blinds (I got mine in Boyers). They work really well.
Have you thought about blackout lining for curtains. If you have curtains which completely cover the window, then you can attach the blackout blinds (I got mine in Boyers). They work really well.

I did both in one room. Much better when both are installed.