Blackberry vs. iphone for roaming charges


Registered User
Hope this isn't a stupid question...

I've used a Blackberry for the past few years and have never been hit with particularly high roaming costs while abroad (primarily US) - I don't use the phone for internet so it's just incoming emails - I'm actually always surprised how small the data charges are. I now have an iphone and I'm wondering whether roaming charges will be higher because of different technology. I can't turn data roaming off as I need to get my emails but I don't want to be shocked by an enormous bill. Again, I wouldn't use it for internet, just for emails - but will the charges be much higher? If so, I'll bring the Blackberry instead. Thanks.
I've an iphone. I never use it abroad unless its on wifi. I would expect that with the way the emails are pushed through that if you were to have it set to push every hour or so that it will incur the minimum roaming data charge for that provider. In which you would be better setting it to fetch manually. That way you could check mail once a day and pay once.

Its really going to come down to your provider and how they handle roaming. And whether they have an add-on to reduce the cost.
If you have any apps installed on the iPhone, you'll need to check each one to see if they access the internet looking for updates, etc.
A lot depends on your networks pricing structure but in general BlackBerry should cost much less as the data is compressed by RIM before being sent to your device. iPhone and android devices are data hungry devices. I moved from an iPhone to a BlackBerry specifically because of a bad experience with bill shock while roaming.