Blackberry season


Registered User
Hi there,
Does anyone know of any good spots for pickinig blackberries in the Dublin area, anywhere with public transport e.g. along the Dart line, out-lying bus routes?

Would love to give jam making a go.
To answer my own question, was out in Enniskerry and collected about 2kg of berries. Should be loads more ripening over next few weeks there.

Only problem is that I am short & best fruit was high up - kept getting berry bombed as I was picking. Ended up with blobs all over my clothes and purple fingers:D
Well done for picking so many! You can leave the high up ones for the birds.

We've picked a load of them in the countryside. They're growing everywhere. We're trying to avoid roadside blackberries because of all the dust and fumes etc.

We're using ours to make blackberry and elderberry wine. We've also picked some elderberries.
Its tricky knowing where to pick.There's lots of private property notices up so I'd be reluctant to go off road.

Can you recommend specific locations?

Breakfast this morning - fresh blackberries, granola with yoghurt.Yum.
Later apple & blackberry crumble for desert.
Followed by an attempt to make jam
yes - an attempt to make jam.
has anyone got a tried and tested recipe?
one that is simple for the firstimer.
[broken link removed]. Used a bit less sugar than the recipe.
Tastes great but its cooling now so I don't know how thick / set it is yet.
This is the exact same recipe I used last week. I also used less sugar. Jam set really well. I advise to simmer the blackberries in the splash of water until the berries are cooked, as once you add the sugar they seem to stop softening anymore. The jam is delicious by the way.
Had the last of the blackberries last night in an apple and blackberry pie. Dee-lish!
I dont think I'll be picking any more this season.
That recipe sounds really simple, i'll try it at the weekend.

Has anyone tried it with crab apples mixed with the blackberries? my mam used to make it years ago and it was delicious.

(all i need to do now is learn hw to make scones to go with the jam. My usual attempts could be sold for heavy artillery ammo. :eek: )
I can vouch for [broken link removed] . I make them with butter milk and without the sugar coating.