bl**dy abbreviations!


Registered User
Dublin VEE Mayo - what on earth happened 'versus'? Does anyone know what the VEE stands for anymore.

'Brits' was originally pejorative. I was glad to hear on the radio news this morning that X number of 'Britons' were injured; not for the injuries, but it's a long while since I heard the correct word used to describe people from Gt Britain.

Anyone else get annoyed by this stuff? Am I just a lonely aging fuddy-duddy pedant?
IMHO U can lay de blame firmly at txt speak, not a gr8 xcuse i no but dats de way de yunger pepl communic8 2day!
So was George Orwell right - remove the language and you remove the ability to think.....?
IMHO U can lay de blame firmly at txt speak, not a gr8 xcuse i no but dats de way de yunger pepl communic8 2day!

Its bad enuf when they use it in text messages, but what drives me mad these days, is when I come across it regularly, in business e-mails. Do they really need someone to tell them that it is totally inappropriate or do they just not care
Ders a tme nd plce 4 usin txt style lngue. IMHO it went 2 far wen tilesavers renamd demslves as BTW, playin on btw... Txt lngue nd slang r jus 4 infrmal chat esp 4 ne1 chatin by fone r IM. AFAIK nd IMO it sud nvr b usd in any evn rmotly frmal cmunic8ion. Busnes email nvr unlss u relly knw d prsn. I woz ROFLWTIME wen I herd pple refr 2 my gen as d txt gen, it is ridiclus! Our lngue skils r not sufrin. I find it hrd 2 use txt lngue wen writin by pen, its only wen i typ dat it coms tru. ATM mbil dvices r cnstntly getin smalr; so r d kypds, dis mkes typin nd txtin mre dif., so slng nd shrt wrds r mre cnvient IYKWIM. But OTOH TBH, dsktp pcs ave perfct kybrds, so der sud b no excus. Jus 2 CMA, I got d A1 in hon english in d LC wit 45 pges of gud eng... i tink dat entitles me 2 usin bad eng 4 d rst of my life! SCNR typin d abve txt lngue - i dnt tlk lik dat in RL at all. FYI: 4 newb, smple txt lngue is frmd by remvin vowls werevr posble.


There is a time and a place for using text style language. In my humble opinion it went too far when "Tilesavers" renamed themselves as "BTW"; playing on "be the way".... Text language and slang are just for informal chat especially for anyone chatting by mobile phone or instant messaging. As far as I know and in my opinion it should never be used in any even remotely formal communication. Business email - never unless u really know the person. I was rolling on the floor with tears in my eyes when I heard people refer to my generation as the text generation, it is ridiculous! Our language skills are not suffering. I find it hard to use text language when writing by pen, it's only when I type that it comes through. At the moment mobile devices are constantly getting smaller; so are the keypads, this makes typing and texting more difficult, so slang and short words are more convenient if you know what I mean. But on the other hand to be honest, desktop personal computers have perfect keyboards, so there should be no excuss. Just to cover my ass, I got the A1 in honors English in the Leaving Certificate with 45 pages of good English... I think that entitles me to using bad english for the rest of my life! Sorry could not resist typing the above in text language - I don't talk like that in real life at all. For your information: for new/inexperienced users, simple text language is formed by removing the vowels wherever possible.