Bizarre judgement in UK high court

Mrs Vimes

Registered User
Basically, Irish Grandmother made a will 3 months before she died, leaving estate to her 3 surviving children and her 2 grandchildren from her fourth (deceased) child. This granddaughter was living with her fiance, who she married before the grandmother died. Grandmother was aware of situation.

The uncles and aunt took the case to the High Court to get the granddaughter cut out of the will because the grandmother was a Catholic who didn't approve of that sort of thing and wouldn't have wanted to leave anything to a granddaughter who lived in sin.

The uncle said: "If you talk about the Irish way of living, quite a lot of people are religious and people are struck out of wills all over because of religion,"


I'm utterly bewildered how the judge actually found for the uncles?!?
Well you know what is said: Where there's a will, there's a relative ! Sad people, to do one another out of their legacy. Good old church, where for many years, old women bequeathed the Bishops fortunes (who in essence allowed buggery of kids), but kept their families out of the money for living a normal.

This kind of rubbish goes on in most religions. Mad, Sad but true.
I just saw that. It is on the Indo's home page. My jaw was on the floor. I have no earthly idea how the judge came up with that conclusion, seeing as the granny knew her daughters living arrangements prior to her getting married, but chose to include her in her will anyway. And why should her grandson be impacted? He didn't do anything wrong?

What a shower of mean, vindictive gobshytes that womans uncles and aunt must be to do this to their niece, and all for a relatively paltry amount of money too. They only stand to gain about 20 grand more by cutting their niece out of the picture. Bringing a case to the High Court ain't cheap. I hope that court costs eat up every last penny of the old womans estate and that her kids inherit shag all !

PS I do not think that it is fair to blame the Catholic Church for this. They are not directly involved in this travesty & will not benefit from it by one single penny. This is all on the womans kids and no one else. They are out to screw their niece over. If they were not able to get the judge to fall for the ridiculous "living out of wedlock" angle, they probably would have tried something else.
PS I do not think that it is fair to blame the Catholic Church for this. They are not directly involved in this travesty & will not benefit from it by one single penny. This is all on the womans kids and no one else. They are out to screw their niece over. If they were not able to get the judge to fall for the ridiculous "living out of wedlock" angle, they probably would have tried something else.

I think it is fair. 2000 years of brainwashing people left enough marks on societies.
This is poor journalism. There is clearly more to this judgement than seems to be reported here.
its a tricky one, i am gobsmacked as well, the childrens mother died before their gandmother, the will specified the 4 offspring but no children!! thats all i can think of