Bird Poo on new Patio


Registered User
I have problems with birds pooing on my new patio. I have a TV aerial on the gable end of my house and birds sit on the aerial and poo on my nice new patio.

Anyone know a away of stopping the birds from sitting on the aerial? Moving the aerial is not an option as the reception will only suffer.


I don't think you'll be able to stop the birds doing what they have to do but my dad had a similar problen and he put down a thin peice of board which catches the doings and can be moved when the patio is being used.
Thread some light string, fishing line, thread, etc. around the elements of the arial just above the points at which they land. That should prevent them landing without affecting signal reception. Add a couple of small pieces of plastic to flap in the wind as a further deterent.
If I may piggyback on to this thread...I have a similar problem with birds perching on my chimney-mounted aerial. I can hear them twittering down the chimney into my living room. This is quite relaxing and I'm not too bothered about it. Occasionally I find mangy pieces of bread in my fireplace which they have dropped down the chimney - again not a major problem... but what does bother me is that they are crapping all over the velux windows! Also I'm thinking that sooner or later one of them will come down the chimney into the living room. (This happened me before in a previous house and the room was in a state afterwards!).

I wonder is there any way of discouraging perching without going near the perch ? I can't easily access the aerial as my roof is very steep and quite high off the ground. What I have been doing up till now is shouting BANG up the chimney every now and then. Very entertaining for Mrs Gianni but I wonder though is this having the opposite effect and eliciting an instant bowel evacuation before they fly off !!

Then I was thinking... is it the same group of birds that perch in the same place day in and day out ? If so then the scare tactics could work and 'train' the blighters to stay away.

Any budding ornithologists out there, I'd love to hear your views... :)