Bird Flu, delay booking foreign holiday?



Hi, normally this time of year we go about booking the family holiday somewhere in the Sun. But I am a bit reluctant now that Bird Flu is spreading across Europe. It seems many migratory birds will visit Western Europe (including our shores) in Spring and Summer and could carry the Virus. Even though the risk is very low of contracting the Flu, the negative publicity in Countries affected could lead to large numbers of holiday cancellations this summer (without full refunds) and this thing could spiral. Am I being over cautious about booking something or are others of the same cautious view? Thanks
Anybody who puts off their holiday due to the threat associated with Avian Flu is grossly overreacting to what is, right now, a miniscule risk. See here and here. Depending on where you are visiting more significant (and yet still minor) risks are likely to be car or plane crashes, earthquakes and volcanos, STDs or other human to human transmittable diseases etc.
I too believe the risk is miniscule, in fact probably NIL. But as the number of infected birds grow across Europe (significantly according to some reports) the percieved risk might lead people to cancel holidays or not book them at all. Maybe it is better to wait for holiday bargains which could be plentiful due to this negative perception of Avian (Bird) Flu when it eventually appears in some European Resorts . I suppose time will tell. I think I will watch developments for a while.
Are you serious, in that you are really considering delaying your foreign holiday, and will act according to advice given on this financial website? Do you remember SARS? Are you still concerned about *it*? Do you still have your government perscribed iodine pill? Under what circumstance will you use *it*?

-Delia Quad
I don't think the OP is worried about BF. It's the fact that others may be so worried that the price of his holiday will be less. Let's not make this a Letting off Steam issue.

My only concern at this stage would be a shortage of chickens (for eating) in your intended destinantion!

I don't think that prices for SE Asia have fallen in response to BF outbreaks?
Thank you CCOVICH. Looks like Delia Quad got her knickers in a twist.
Yeah, I probably came across as a bit smart: so sorry for that. But the OP was certainly speculating against taking a (usual) holiday because of bird flu, which I was pointing out to be an overreaction. Chances are a holiday can still be booked, taken, and enjoyed.

But if we want to get pre-emptive, Dick Cheney has the right idea; shoot on sight, bird or no. :)