Binning other peoples post


Registered User
Hi i have lived at my present address for 3 years seen as im moving soon i was doing a big clean out and i noticed i still had some post for the previos tenant that i had forgotten to take to the post office. So i thrown them in the bin without thinking.
It only just occured to me that this may be illigel. Is it?

Also recieved a prize bonds cheque which i opened as there was no name only the address on the envelope.(Im going to take it to the post office) Would that be illegel too?
You really should return all items to sender. At least it is logged when it is sent back to the sender.

The question is would you like someone to bin your post or would you rather they did a return to sender?
Also recieved a prize bonds cheque which i opened as there was no name only the address on the envelope.(Im going to take it to the post office) Would that be illegel too?
You mean you are going to encash/lodge somebody else's money? I am pretty sure that this is illegal.
Also recieved a prize bonds cheque which i opened as there was no name only the address on the envelope.(Im going to take it to the post office) Would that be illegel too?
I think that's mine, just send it on and I'll refund the cost of postage, thanks.
No clubman i didnt mean id cash it!!! I took it back explained that i accidently opened and the person no longer lived at that address. They were nice about and said it happened all the time.