Bin tag stolen - is there anything I can do?


Registered User
I left my bin out for collection this morning with the bin tag properly attached.
When my wife went to colect the bin at about 10:30am, she found it still full with no bin tag attached. This is the second time in about 6 months that this has happened. Needless to say it's very annoying.

Is there anything I can/shoud do?
This happened to me also, I phoned the collection company who were really helpful, said this was common enough and they were changing from tags to stickers to avoid this. They sent me a complimentary tag, and have now introduced "sticky tags" and i haven't had a problem since.
That was happening us so we stopped putting on overnight and now put it on first thing in the morning.
However on several occasions my tag has detached in strong winds and the winds were gusting today up to 40 knots. I suggest in strong winds you stick some sellotape on it to make sure it doesnt detach. If you kept the tag stub, you can call them back. They have a call back service for exactly this situation which is free. I believe you will have to show them the stubb for them to collect it though. Call your local county council and they will tell you what day they call.
Sorry to hear your tag was nicked. We put out the bin at night, but sellotape the tag to the back of the front door, so we will remember to put it on before going to work in the morning. That would only about 30 mins or so before the bin is collected.
kirian said:
I left my bin out for collection this morning with the bin tag properly attached.
When my wife went to colect the bin at about 10:30am, she found it still full with no bin tag attached. This is the second time in about 6 months that this has happened. Needless to say it's very annoying.

Is there anything I can/shoud do?

Did you fill in your name, address & bin number on the tag? I staple mine because they don't stick for long and it's a right pain in the butt to find an unemptied bin.