Bin Collections at 6am -is this allowed?


Registered User
I live in a development of apartments and townhouses and our binmen come at 6am. They make a considerable amount of noise and wake me each week. This morning (sat) we had the recycle bin revving and loading bottles at 7.30.
I know there can be regulation about building work but does anyone know if this is allowed so early?
Hi Lan

I think there are regulations regarding Noise Polution which this would most likely fall under .... no doubt someone else will have further info. for you.

Have you tried writting to the collection company to complain btw ?


This extract taken from [broken link removed] should help:

Complaints about pollution

In general, if you have a complaint about pollution (air, water, waste, noise) you should report it to your local authority.

If the subject matter of your complaint is licensed by the EPA, you should also report to the OEE office for your area. The list of licence holders and complaint forms are available on the EPA website. There are separate complaint forms for complaints about smell and any other pollution related complaint. If the pollution arises from an activity which does not need a licence, you should report to the local authority. If the local authority fails to take action, you should complain to the OEE - the complaint form is available on the website.
In Barcelona they collect the bins at 3 am and the noise would wake the dead. Earplugs worked a treat.
Thinking about this again not sure if the early/late collection system is becoming the norm.

I'm almost certain I saw the green bin collections taking place up to 10oc or even slightly after, one night recently. Looking at this it would appear that Oxigen can also call before 7oc and don't forget this presumably with the approval of the local Councils.

Your quite right sueellen, there does appear to be more and more bin collections taking place at "unfriendly hours" ... I wonder why ?

I seem to recall some sort of old rule about noise polution and something about anything goes between 8am and 10pm but not outside of those hours. Does anyone else remember this / know more perhaps ?


Thanks for your responses. I have e-mailed the council and am awaiting a response. I don't want to complain if they are within their rights. I got a bit of a lie in this morning, it was 6.20am before they arrived!!
The council are responsible for this. They may have contracted the service out to a private company - but it is still part of council services technically.

Your quite right sueellen, there does appear to be more and more bin collections taking place at "unfriendly hours" ... I wonder why

I would say it's to do wtih traffic restrictions and access reasons. delivery trucks in certain areas are restricted to before/after rush hours.
i don't know about the week, mon to fri, but at weekends i definitely thought there was some rules set as guideline about early hours and noise concerned.
plus if your neighbour was playing loud music etc at unreal hours, the gardai would do something about it, in a way its kinda the same thing
I contacted the council to enquire about the regulations re noise not to complain to them as they are not responsible for the waste. I don't want to contact the waste company if I am completely wrong!
We had a problem with a refuse contractor in the past making collections at 3 or 4 am on a weekday night! Needless to say we were very agrieved, they weren't even collecting our bin! I complained to a representative of the company concerned and was fobbed off; a strongly worded letter to the local authority yielded a more favourable result and the practice was discontinued. Refuse collections now take place after 7am, by all operators. Funny thing is I don't know if any of the other residents complained at the time....