Bikram Yoga


For anyone into that kind of thing, Bikram Yoga is coming to !
Don't do it, it's torture!!!!!!!!

It was one step too close to madness for me.
Surely it cant be normal to sweat so much?......................................
I'm in Dublin and been thinking about trying this for ages. Is it really that bad???
Bikram yoga is tough but good if you can stick it. One word of warning - I didn't know it was not recommended for people with dry skin. I did it for a month and part of the problem was that there was a queue for the showers. After a week I got fed up and just towel dried myself and went home and showered at home. Big mistake. You sweat buckets in Bikram yoga, during and afterwards, and all the salt took its toll. I came out in a bad rash and it took a good while to get my skin back to normal.