Bike shed is a security risk; can we demand to get rid of it? how to go about it?


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I live in a house in an apartment complex.

My house it right in the corner facing the side of another house. At the side of the house facing mine theres a bike shed.

Gangs used to hang round here when we moved in but it stopped. Our shed in our garden has been broken into twice.

My problem is that anybody can be coming down into the corner and pretend either to get a bike from or pretend to park one.

Tonight husband was a home and he heard talking outside, nothing unusual there but looked out the window and there was a few lads from the complex and a couple he didn't know. One of the lads is undesirable IE, being in trouble with the police. He then heard him asking one of the other lads what was behind our side door and went on to say that he could easily kick it in and get into the house and see what there. They had been there a while before this was said and husband knew they were up to something. They sussed him in the window and started to walk away, he approached them about what had been said and the lad said " i wouldn't do that on your your one of me own i dont do it on me own". Anyway denied he had said anything.

This lad has a bike and never ever parks it there so it was obviously and excuse to check the place out, husband had heard him say that he knew we were away. Didnt realise dh was a home.

Anyway sorry for the long post my real question is can we demand that the bike shed be moved.

Its just were it is it cant be seen by anyone really only us and it can be used as a sort of decoy if anyone wants to break in. As nobody is going to think twice if someone walks down there with a bike even if its a stranger.

Sorry for the long post any advice would be appreciated.
Re: Bike shed is a security risk; can be demand to get rid of it? how to go about it?

Ive added paragraphs and expanded the title and replaced dh with husband for clarity.

I would imagine the bike shed was built as part of the development so it's not as easy as just wanting it to be moved. Maybe getting the lock on the shed changed and bike owners having to request a key might be an option?
That's very different then, have you contacted the Management Agent for reasons why the shelter was located there?
I have been in touch with the agent and they are no help.
They just said they cant get rid of it and thats it. Im sick of contacting them about it.
Have you spoken to other residents about it? Maybe you could get it on the agenda of the next AGM? Or maybe talk to the community Garda about it, they could make a recommendation that may have more clout with the management agent.
Thanks for your replys they are realy appreciated. I actually bought it up at the agm last night. There are a few others who are in support of me. But the rest are not interested as its not ouside their door so they dont care. Im now going down the route of it being a health and safety risk and liabiliy. As kids are always climbing on it and if one of them falls and hurts themselves we will be suied and our fees will go up. People will be more concerned with their fees going up than my home being robbed. Iv also email HSA (health and safety authority) iv yet to recieve a reply so il ring them tommorw. Thanks again