Big Brand v's 'the rest' LCD TVs


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JVC 32" widescreen (old style TV) has just died after 4.5 years only (I always thought TV's could last for donkeys years). The screen kept going green which I think is a tube problem and now the TV just keeps switching itself off and on in the space of a second. Any idea what this could be?

But I plan to buy a new TV, LCD probably 32 to 37". And was wondering if anyone could tell me if the difference in price between Sony/Panasonic/Samsung is worth paying over brands like LCD or Sharp. Can you tell the difference
Sounds like tube alright delboy.
As for a new lcd, I would go to Aldi`s and buy whatever they are selling as they give a three year guarantee plus cheaper than almost everywhere else.. The days of buying named brands is gone as most lcd tvs are uneconomical to repair now no matter how small the problem is. I am a tv engineer for the last 29 years btw.
Not sure about Aldi option as I personally think they are quite ugly most of the time.

I recently bought a Beko 32 inch in Power City. It was on sale at the time for 400. Normally 500. Nice looking machine and no problems yet (admittedly only c2 months)

I have a scale in my head of crappy brands, the best crappy brands and good crappy brands.

I wouldn't stretch to a good brand name as I feel it's a waste of money but I also wouldn't but a crappy brand (Aldi, Lidl, cheapest option in Power City etc.) but I would buy a Beko as I feel this is one of the better crappy brands.

I more than likely have my thinking arseways but it hasn't failed me yet.
i bought a crappy brand lcd tv and it developed a screen fault. the retailer referred me back to the manufacturer who did not have a manufacturing plant in Ireland, hence a lot of faffing about trying to organise the repair. i would say go for whatever brand you want but try to buy one that has a manufacturing plant in ireland otherwise if there is a problem you could have a long wait to get a part shipped over to repair it (in my case they couldnt seem to manage it at all and retailer ended up replacing tv).
sorry, I should have said a manufacturing plant OR repair centre (cos the repair centres will also have the parts).

Phillips have a manufacturing plant in Ireland (according to powercity) and of course Sony have sony centres all over the place that can do repairs. I dont know who else.
i bought a crappy brand lcd tv and it developed a screen fault. the retailer referred me back to the manufacturer who did not have a manufacturing plant in Ireland, hence a lot of faffing about trying to organise the repair.

For a start the retailer was wrong to refer you to the manufacturer - your contract was with the retailer and it was their responsibility to look after it - Irish Consumer Law supports this no matter what some retailers might try and tell you.

i would say go for whatever brand you want but try to buy one that has a manufacturing plant in ireland otherwise if there is a problem you could have a long wait to get a part shipped over to repair it

I don't know of any brand of TV that has an assembly or manufacturing plant in Ireland (if they do they're mad and should move East as fast as possible) so your advice may not be practical.

Edit - Towger got in there before me

Delboy - some videophiles ( who say they know about these things will say there is a definite difference in quality between models and manufacturers but ultimately the final choice should be yours - go and look at a couple of different makes and see which one you think looks best and don't dismiss the plamas either as many say that the latest Pioneer plasmas are the best ever and better than the lcds.
As regards Sony/panasonic/samsung over Sharp I would say that sharp would actually be one of the top brands as they lead the way in lcd to my knowledge. They have a huge range now but I think mostly in the uk and only a fraction of that over here. I used to be a sony man but their costs no longer reflect in their quality and I would recommend someone like Samsung because they are good looking, well priced and a big range.
Aldi tvs and the like are cheap but they really do fall down on screen quality and that is after all what you are buying an lcd for. i never understand seeing a huge screen tv in someones room with crap definition - what's the point?
For a start the retailer was wrong to refer you to the manufacturer - your contract was with the retailer and it was their responsibility to look after it - Irish Consumer Law supports this no matter what some retailers might try and tell you.

There is another thread elsewhere here with my tv woes, despite this advice I think you will find in any electronics store they will refer you to the manufacturer for repair, I do not know of any way around this, I initially stood my ground and was told that the only way to get something repaired was to contact the manufacturer directly - this is off topic, but to say the contract is with the retailer is correct, however practically speaking they will NOT look after repair.

I don't know of any brand of TV that has an assembly or manufacturing plant in Ireland (if they do they're mad and should move East as fast as possible) so your advice may not be practical.

Im repeating what i was told in Powercity, when choosing a replacement we stated we wanted something that would not have to await parts delivery from the UK and that is what the guy said.
For what it's worth I second the Samsung recommendation - I have a 32" in the kids playroom and it is excellent, particularly any of the Pixar movies which look brilliant on it.
.... this is off topic, but to say the contract is with the retailer is correct, however practically speaking they will NOT look after repair.

Fair enough - unfortunately (for you) it seems you have more practical experience than I in these matters

...Im repeating what i was told in Powercity, when choosing a replacement we stated we wanted something that would not have to await parts delivery from the UK and that is what the guy said.

Fair enough again; I didn't know that Philips manufactured tv's in Ireland - I'm surprised given all I hear about the high costs of doing business here.
I didn't know that Philips manufactured tv's in Ireland - I'm surprised given all I hear about the high costs of doing business here.

Hmm... had a quick search there, they appear to be made in Poland and the far east these days... could the staff at powercity be mistaken into thinking we live in Poland?
would the tube cause the TV to keep switching off and on every second as soon as you plug it in? I just thought the tube would mean the screen went
Yes, especially when you said it was going green ( 3 guns in crt, red green and blue).
Fair enough again; I didn't know that Philips manufactured tv's in Ireland - I'm surprised given all I hear about the high costs of doing business here.

Philips do not have a manufacturing plant in Ireland and they no longer have a repair facility either. They have a contract with a 3rd party repair company ( I'm not being negative about this, my experience of Philips products has been quite good, just stating the situation)

I'd agree that Beko are one of the better cheaper brands.

I bought a Beko TV (CRT, not LCD) in the 1990s when nobody had ever heard of Beko - I remember getting comments from friends and relatives about it sounding like something from eastern europe, that it would probably break within 6 months and wasnt even worth the very low price I paid for it. Still in full working order in a house full of telly addicts. It even survived a lightning strike that knocked out some other appliances.
Most of the components that go into t.v's now come from the one place and are just shipped to the relevant companies for the fancy exterior assembly. There are a one or two i'ld steer clear of, but on the whole they are all the same. Watch out for Tesco offers they are pretty good.
I would recommend Samsung LCD's as they are the best bang for the back for me. Not so expensive but very good pictures and quality.