Bidding on house through a solicitor?


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We had a viewing on a property during the week that we're very interested in. The house itself is a bank sale and I heard through the grapevine that bids were to be made in writing.

Prior to the viewing we had heard reports that the EA could be very awkward to deal with, very rude and not liked locally. We have some friends who dealt with this EA on other viewings and inquiries and none had a good word to say about them and found the EA very difficult to deal with.

So we felt we knew the score when going to view the property with this EA and so as to not waste their time we had a formal written offer on the house with us during the viewing - however the EA was so awkward and rude throughout that we didn't mention our bid and left with our written offer still sealed and intact in our pocket.

Unfortunately, the EA is the sole selling agent on this property, however after our encounter we would prefer not to deal with them direct at this stage, so we were thinking of engaging our solicitor to tender a bid on our behalf direct to the EA from an "interested party" i.e, us.

We've bought and sold property in the past and never had any problems in dealing direct with the EA involved - this guy though, he's another story altogether!

Primarily we would like to engage the services of our solicitor to place a written bid on our behalf in order to avoid dealing with the EA directly.

Secondly, we also have good reason to believe he is blatantly lying about the supposed bids he currently says he has on the property, so we're thinking that he may be less likely to faff about with phantom bids if he's dealing with a solicitor rather than ourselves and everything is via written correspondence.

Has anyone experience in bidding on properties via their solicitor? Any words of wisdom, insight or feedback would be appreciated
The Estate Agent is awkward and rude.

Using a solicitor is not going to help in any way at all. The EA will be simply awkward and rude to the solicitor.

Adding another layer just causes problems. The solicitor might miss the deadline or might misunderstand your instructions.

An awkward estate agent will put off other buyers and so reduces the competition.

You should make your offer by way of a phone call, unless the EA says it's be sealed bids in writing.

You should document your experience and maybe report him later to the professional body of which he is a member or to the bank whom he is representing.
