bid lodged... advice needed


Registered User
Hey folkes put in a bid for a property and am getting coflicting advice from everywhere. we went in at 2k more than the highest previous bid which was 3 over asking. Previously there has been two bidders putting in +1k bids each time. if there is an increaded offer put in over our bid should we go another 2k or go up in 500's instaed. Really want this property but want to be prepared to act when the EA comes back to us.

also, is there anyway of checking to see if he is making up bidders, or ghost bidding, to get more out of us?

thanks again
I've been there and there's no way of telling. You could try taking the hard line and giving a deadline, as we did, but, like us, you need to be prepared to walk away.

We walked, but only stayed away for 2 days and then raced back because we wante the house so much.

Ended up bidding against ourselves!
bidding against yourself?? i swear to god some EA must be decended, or should that be acended, from hell..... maybe we should start a name and shame thread.