Beware of Telesales People pretending to be Smart



Smart have a couple of rogue telesales type agents working on commission.

If someone rings you up promising that YOUR exchange in a place like Edenderry will be upgraded so will you sign up now then you may get a bit of a shock .

They will route your calls into Smart and take their commission but they will NEVER give you the promised €35 a month Broadband as in EVER . Smart propose to install in 70 exchanges in cities and large towns. If you want to know whether your town is one of them then check that you are near this Fibre Ring .

[broken link removed]

By Near I mean 5-10Km , no more, and not in a one primary school and one pub willage in north Co Meath neither. There are 1200 exchanges in Ireland. Smart are doing 70 so thats about 6% of exchanges and all the really BIG ones.

If you get a call and live in a small town or rural area not near that ring then get a name and number to ring them back with. Smart have only one address , in Dublin and here are the genuine contact details. Don't be conned.

Smart Telecom
3300 Lake Drive
Citywest Business Campus
Dublin 24

Tel: 01 4699300
Fax: 01 4699301

Broadband Tel: 1850 945 000
Customer Care Tel: 1800 931 300
Telesales Dept Tel: 1800 718 555
Thanks Tonka for the information.

I just dont understand one thing are these 'rogue telesales' people working for Smart Telecom or are they independent operators?

Telesales People pretending to be Smart Telcom (and are not)

They are Network Marketers or whaever snake oil sales persons call themselves.

I must stress they are not Smart Telecom employees but agents who get commission for selling and if they don;t sell they get no commission .

Smart should simply conduct an immediate audit of their outsourced activities. <potenential defamation material deleted by ajapale>
Re: Telesales People pretending to be Smart Telcom (and are

Hi Tonka,

Thanks for the clarification.

Ive had to edit some of your post as it contained material that might be interepreted as defamation. I hope you understand the situation.

Re: Telesales People pretending to be Smart Telcom (and are

Sorry Ajepale. I wished to stress that these Telesales were nowhere near as pushy and mendacious as my personal experience of Eircom Winback persons on my own doorstep .

I Hope thats clear.