Best ways for Government to save Money ???

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The purpose of this thread is to accumulate a list of ideas to suggest ways in which the Government could stop the waste, save money and redirect it to those in Ireland that actually need it. Hopefully some person in the 'know' might actually read this thread and either take note or pass it on and realise that the nation does actually care before it all goes down the pan,

To start the ball rolling:

1. Suspend the €900 million annual handouts to Overseas Aid until we are back on track.
2. Delay replacing all ministerial cars by 3years.
3. Elinimate 1/2 day off to cash wages cheque for civil servants
4. Change all government departments electricty supply from ESB to Bord Gais, saving almost 10% in the process.
Close /cancel the Garda Band, that have approximately 50 Gardai, including senior officers, on full pay packages and Pension entitlements. For what ?? A two night stint at the Rose of Tralee. Are we raving lunatics ??
Withdraw free postage from all TDS and let them aay for their own postage on Christmas cards. They are allowed something like €11,000 each towards postage in the year. I know it may be a small amount in the scheme of things but you know the saying "mind the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves".
1. Suspend the €900 million annual handouts to Overseas Aid until we are back on track.

I disagree with this. We have international responsibilities and should not abandon these just because our government couldn't manage a pi** up in a brewery.

Money could be saved in plenty of other ways. Cut the number of junior ministers, retire the Government jet, sell off those e voting machines we are paying a fortune to store, stop printing glossy brochures that nobody will ever read every time a new "plan" is published...
get rid of the consultants all our ministers seem to have on huge salarys.
reduce number of TD's by 10%
Reduce number of junior ministers by 50%
10% salary cut across the board for All TD's.
Eliminate/merge all the different town/city councils
Slash the entitelements which our civil servants are getting (fat chance i know)
Eliminate/merge all the various quango's
Bring in a congestion charge for Dublin City centre.
Stop all tribunals, nothing is being achieved apart from boosting the considerable salary's of barristers.
Lord Mayor's of DUblin & Cork are on 6 figure salarys...get rid.
Get rid of all the parking for our civil servants in Dublin City.
Is this thread not a duplication of the entire 'Dealing with the deficit' section?
Apply the benchmarking process to all public servants, TDs included.
If this group wanted to link their pay and conditions to the private sector in good times, then they must expect to take a hit in bad times. Otherwise the process is one-sided and unfair to taxpayers. We agreed to pay for the linkage of public sector pay to private sector pay, so now we must reap the benefit.
I think you will find that I placed this thread before the Mods inserted 'Dealing with the deficit' heading.
I agree with the OP about the foreign aid, as callous as this may sound.

£700 billion has been donated to the Third World in the last 40 years and it seems to have make ZERO difference. We continually hear about starving and suffering people nearly every week on the news.

Perhaps if their own Governments started to look after their own people instead of wasting their natural resources on fighter jets, tanks and guns then we might not need to give so much.
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