Best Way to send Euros to South Africa


Registered User
Has anyone had the experience of sending money to South Africa? Posting a Bank Draft is out since post often goes missing. I want to send about €1,000 to a S.A. resident who has some kind of bank account - I don't know what kind of account it is. I bank with AIB and today requested a Code Card but don't know how it works.

I know I can phone the Bank but would like to know in advance what experience anyone has had transferring money outside the Euro Zone and if there were any problems. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks ClubMan but S.A. Rand isn't on the Paypal list. Anyway, I'm not buying anything.
Originally Posted by Monkeyboy
I did a swift transfer to an Oz acc, fee of 17e for the transactio
What's a "swift transfer?" Never heard of it. Could you please explain and can it be done from any Bank e.g. AIB? The recipient doesn't use a PC so that's not an option. Thanks in advance.
Go into any bank branch and ask for it. You fill in a form with your bank details and they take the money from your acc and odge it to the recipients. No coputers needed.
Thanks ClubMan but S.A. Rand isn't on the Paypal list.
OK - maybe that makes it irrelevant but... (a) you might still be able to send it in another currency and let the recipient convert to Rand at their end and ...
Anyway, I'm not buying anything.
... (b) I know - but you don't have to be buying to use PayPal to send money.
What's a "swift transfer?" Never heard of it.
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT).
The recipient doesn't use a PC so that's not an option.
Surely they can use somebody else's or use an internet café?
Originally Posted by ClubMan
Surely they can use somebody else's or use an internet café?
Can't - the person is an invalid and virtually housebound. Re PayPal: it's good to know it's not just for buying and selling but can't think of any reason to get it right now - perhaps in the future.

Thanks to Monkeyboy for that info about Swift. I still have to get the recipient's bank details which isn't as straightforward as it sounds. Just wondering, if I didn't know about Swift, would AIB suggest it and, if not, why not? That's not very important but I'd like to know all the facts before approaching the bank. I don't know if it's true but I've been told the level of crime in Johannesburg, including banks, is significant. So obviously I want to use the safest method.
Yes, by taxi and with difficulty. It's a tricky situation and I can't say any more except thanks for the advice. This is a good example of how this kind of communication has its limitations.
Just get the person's bank details (ask them to find out their IBAN number from their bank) and transfer the money there from your branch.
Once you have their bank details, you can either fill in an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) form at the branch, or you can do an online payment via internet banking once you have the code card. You have the option of paying all bank charges yourself, or only paying the Irish ones, and letting the recipient pay the SA ones. It's a pretty striaghtforward process, Just make sure you get the branch code and account number. If you do this in the branch, an address for the bank you're sending the money to could also be useful.