Best way to sell used car


Registered User
Need to sell 2nd hand car; it's surplus to requirements so not doing trade-in.

Any advice on selling? Haven't done this before.
I second DoneDeal. I've bought and sold on DoneDeal and it's a very easy processs.

Easy to put an ad up. Make sure you get the cash before you part with the car or wait for the bank draft/cheque to clear.

Seller sends off the Registration Certificate with new owner's name to Shannon when money clears.

Easy peasy. (Just make sure you get the money first... I think I said that already)

You'll get messers contacting you. You may want them to message you first so you can check them out before you give them your phone number.

Even better, spend €20 on a new Pay as you Go number, stick it into an old phone and just use that number to sell on DoneDeal. When you've sold the car, you can switch off the phone and no one will bother you after that and it keeps your 'real' number safe from crank callers, time wasters etc.

If you arrange to meet someone, do it away from home, in a garage forecourt etc. but don't hand over keys.
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The first thing we need to know is type and age of car and expected price is there a new NCT or how long is left on NCT
Car auctions can work if it has a long NCT is over five year old,
How could you tell?
I don't know, instinct? Going out of one's way to use a phone that will be dumped shortly after the transaction might well imply bad faith including intention to deceive and would look particularly bad if there is subsequent dispute.
I don't know, instinct? Going out of one's way to use a phone that will be dumped shortly after the transaction might well imply bad faith including intention to deceive and would look particularly bad if there is subsequent dispute.

How would the potential buyer know any of this ? Personally use two mobile numbers, a call blocker and 2 e mail addresses and everything I do is legit - wouldn't have it any other way !

Came across on Twitter recently but I've never used them.
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Any advice on selling? Haven't done this before.

Dont rule out the papers, will absolutely wreck your head, continuous mundane question from folk who live on their phones,

Done deal, not as bad, but plenty of folk who txt you to swap with their own heap of rubbish and question whats your lowest price!! and then expect to get it lower again.

A good seller or buyer will never suggest buying in a supermarket car part ect,

If Im buying with a Bank Draft, I would not let the seller take it and say, Il contact you when it clears!!

Your gut feeling is generally right regarding some body phoning about a product you are selling, if you dont get that comfortable vibe on the phone, end the call.

Having spoken to someone quite recently regarding the same question, The papers made sense.
Those who contacted him were actually interested in what he was selling without the tyre kicking as they made more of a effort to source what they were looking for.
Thanks everyone.

If I was buying a car, I'd be put off by the carpark idea.

Most people can do bank transfers these days I would think? Perhaps that could be included in conditions of sale? & once I've verified the transfer online would I be good to hand over keys?

Would I be taking a huge hit to sell it to a car dealer? (Would a car dealer buy it?)

Edit to add: it's a smaller car, suitable for a first time buyer, under 4 years so no NCT as yet.
seeing it advertised in the region of €5k, but I'd be happy w. €4k

Having said that if I thought a dealer would take it for €3.5 and save me the advertisement/ time wasters / fraud issues for €500 I might consider it money well spent so to speak.
If you want to avoid timewasters, an auction might be worth trying. It's easy to get results from recent auctions to get an idea of value, and dealers buy there. Set a reserve, and if it's not reached they'll call you to see if you'll accept the price they're getting.
I've bought cars before at Merlin. Just outside Naas.
[broken link removed]

I'll send you a pm with results.