Best way to get money in Cuba


Registered User
Apologies if my question is answered elsewhere.

I've been told that in some areas of Cuba ATM's are few & far between. Is it best then to bring Euro and change as I go along?

I hate taking cash anywhere. I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
We were in Cuba 2 years ago we lodged money to our credit card before we left and used the ATM's over there, didn't have any problems.
We brought some cash and just changed in the hotels also had some money on our credit cards
Am I being misled then by being told there aren't many ATM's? Preloaded Cr Card is normally my way to go in a non-euro zone.
Shaking, I believe there are two currencies - one for natives and one for tourists. Which do you get from ATM's ?
dymo, when you say cash, do you mean Euro?
I'm finding it difficult to find info on this one so thanks for all the help.
The currency we withdrew was the Cuban Peso there is a local currency but it's part of the rationing system. It is only locals who use it. We didn't have any problems finding ATM's, saying that we were there for about 2 weeks and probably withdrew cash 3 times the first time being at the airport.
So what I do then is get a fair amount of cash at the first ATM I see and make sure I get more before I run out.

I'm going on a tour which takes me all over the island, so I guess the best bet is when I'm in the bigger cities.

Really looking forward to it now and thanks for all the help.
I was in Cuba six years ago and didn't see an ATM once in the two weeks I was there; could be different now.

I had a credit card which I found was only accepted in big towns or cities so I wouldn't be solely reliant on it. Also if your credit card is MNBA it won't be accepted at all as it is an American bank.

I brought traveller cheques and I had them changed as required; just be aware that you can't use American Express traveller cheques; Thomas Cook traveller cheques are ok. Also, they are extremely picky about the paperwork so ensure that all receipts and paperwork you receive when you buy the traveller cheques are brought along too.

Cuba is a great experience and I would recommend that anybody thinking of going there, visits within the next few years before the embargo on the Americans is lifted (set down by US Government not the Cubans) as it will never be the same again after that

Thanks Redchariot.....that's exactly why I'm going now!
Having ATM's would be welcome though, so hope that bit has changed.