Best way to close the company


Registered User
I'm trying to help out my Dad here who built a development and sold the last house in 2004.

For the last two and a half years we have been trying to get the local authority to take the development in charge. There is nothing wrong with the estate everything is completed in accordance with planning its just a matter of getting the necessary officers in the local authority to do their bit.

The company has now run out of money and has not been in a position to pay ESB street lighting since March. The ESB were informed of this but chose to ignore the letters and keep sending bills.

There is a tiny bit of open space on the estate which our previous accountant (I do not have much faith in him) advised would make the directors personally liable should the company close.

My question is - what's the best way to get rid of this company, it has no money and we seem to be waiting forever for the local authority to take it in charge. We do keep chasing but keep being put on the long finger. The company is owned by a UK company.

What are the implications for walking away from this or how do I go about sorting it out properly.

Thanks a mill for any advice.