Best way to buy new iphone


Registered User
Santa brought me permission to splurge on a new phone. I intend to buy an iPhone 7 plus.

Any suggestions as to the best way to go about this. Should I buy on-line from Apple, at my local authorised Apple reseller, in a phone shop, are all phone shops the same fro this purpose.

I intend to use my existing Tesco mobile service, is there any better option.

All advice welcome. Thanks in advance.
Lucky you! Well done Santa!

Not all phone sellers will sell the iPhone 7+.

You'll get next to no discount as prices are fixed. If you want to get up and running fast your local Apple reseller is probably the best.

If you want an iPhone on the never-never look at e.g. Littlewoods.Expensive though.

Does capacity matter? I'd imagine going for the 7+ you want the dual lens camera and stereo pictures, storing photos as RAW images could be important so 128 GB or higher capacity is what you'll need.

If you're on the SIM-only €25/month deal with Tesco like me, that's as good a deal as there is out there with the 15GB/month data-allowance for storing images in the cloud.
Thanks Mathepac for that.

If you're on the SIM-only €25/month deal with Tesco like me, that's as good a deal as there is out there with the 15GB/month data-allowance for storing images in the cloud.

I pay Tesco just €15 a month. I cannot remember what the shortfall against the €25 package was but I have never missed it.
I'd buy direct form Apple. My first iphone I bought direct from them. It had a 1 in a million, battery fault and it was exchanged on the spot - about 3 months after initial purchase. If you buy through a shop they will have to send it back etc and you may be without a phone. if you were going to Belfast you can preorder for there store and you would save a few bob.
Hello, have them sim free (they sometimes have dual sim phones which can be useful, although I don't see any for the 7plus at the moment though).

I have bought my last two handsets from them. No problems. Phones seem to originate in Asia / Middle East, but came with authorised distributor sticker and contact details (for EROS Group who have a reasonable website, contact numbers etc so hopefully are legit). The handsets were cheaper then retail prices but took 10-14 days to arrive (given I was too mean to pay for an express delivery).
If you don't want to go onto a 1/2 year contract, why not just buy directly from Apple? You know you are getting the real deal and if you have any problems, they'll fix it quickly and without hassle.
I'd buy direct form Apple. My first iphone I bought direct from them. It had a 1 in a million, battery fault and it was exchanged on the spot - about 3 months after initial purchase. If you buy through a shop they will have to send it back etc and you may be without a phone. if you were going to Belfast you can preorder for there store and you would save a few bob.
If you don't want to go onto a 1/2 year contract, why not just buy directly from Apple? You know you are getting the real deal and if you have any problems, they'll fix it quickly and without hassle.

Buying direct from Apple seems like a good idea, but that means buying online. If I buy from an Apple reseller and there is any issue I can go into the shop and speak to someone face to face, is this not better than buying from Apple online. Or am I just a stick-in-the-mud
Apple reseller. Same price same warranty, instant help and on the spot delivery, assuming stock availability. Ring around in your area.
Last edited: have them sim free (they sometimes have dual sim phones which can be useful, although I don't see any for the 7plus at the moment though).
Apple doesn't make a dual sim phone but in any case their pricing is rubbish e.g. at €877.99 is €50 + shipping more than i Paid for my current iPhone 6s-plus 128gb. Their price for my iPhone is is 860.99, €40 more than I paid.
Buying direct from Apple seems like a good idea, but that means buying online. If I buy from an Apple reseller and there is any issue I can go into the shop and speak to someone face to face, is this not better than buying from Apple online. Or am I just a stick-in-the-mud

If you buy from Apple direct and you have a problem, you can still bring it back to an Apple reseller as they are official agents for Apple in Ireland (I don't know why we still don't have a proper Apple store in this country).

I seem to remember that if you buy goods from another EU country online, there is a 2 year warranty on the product. Apple will only give you 1 on their phone, so you get an extra year under EU regulations.

Steven (
I think the price of these iPhones is outrageous. I'm no techi (foldable Nokia cheap phone myself) but Samsung Galaxy is just as good as far as I understand from my kids and it costs just short of 200 euro.
I think the price of these iPhones is outrageous. I'm no techi (foldable Nokia cheap phone myself) but Samsung Galaxy is just as good as far as I understand from my kids and it costs just short of 200 euro.
Apple stuff just works flawlessly and are super easy to use
Galaxy is just as good
Kinda like a Nissan micra is just as good at getting you from a-b as a Ferrari is
It's all about sheep following the flock.

Paying that amount of money for any kind of phone is ridiculous.

How did we manage when all we had was the telephone box? And was more often than not out of order!
I seem to remember that if you buy goods from another EU country online, there is a 2 year warranty on the product. Apple will only give you 1 on their phone, so you get an extra year under EU regulations.

Steven (
Untrue. See the warranty notices posted on Apple's Irish on-line shop. Their warranties comply with Irish case law which offers Irish consumers up to 6 years' protection, some of the best in the EU.
It's all about sheep following the flock.

Paying that amount of money for any kind of phone is ridiculous.

How did we manage when all we had was the telephone box? And was more often than not out of order!

I am always sensitive to this point, that I am just buying the brand. However i have thought this through.

I need a smartphone for my business. I get enquiries etc by email all the time. I try to respond within the hour, this is only possible with a device I can carry about with me. Also there is a work related app which I need to keep updated instantly, not constantly but instantly when necessary.

I want a big screen in hope that I won't have to keep my glasses in the other pocket. This is due to age, I used to have excellent eyesight.

On the age point, I want to keep up with modern technology. I see people not much older than I, saying that they don't know how to use this that and the other new thing. I want to stay on top of the new tech of the 2010's as much as possible in the hope that I will be able to have some chance with the new tech of the 2030's.

Apart from poor battery performance I have never had a problem with my existing iPhone 4. Lots of people struggle with viruses on Android phones.

So I am convinced that the iPhone 7 is the way to go, and I hope the plus will compensate for the decaying eyes. Apple have the goods, I can't blame them for charging well for them.
cremeegg - apologies if my comment caused offense.

It didn't contribute in any positive manner to your query.
Apple doesn't make a dual sim phone but in any case their pricing is rubbish ....

I can't speak with great confidence regarding Apple, as I've bought two Samsungs from them myself.. both were significantly cheaper (the most recent being a sim free S6 Edge). I never knew that Samsung offered dual sim phones until I found them on that site - the simple fact was that Samsung just don't sell them locally, probably because of agreements with the mobile operators. Is it possible Apple are the same ? ... not that it particularly matters, if you don't specifically want to run two sims off the one handset. Sorry if I wasted your time, was only trying to assist.
I think the price of these iPhones is outrageous.
They've got a prerogative to charge whatever the market will bear, and there are excellent alternatives. The prices are fine, you and I just won't pay them.

The way i'd describe the situation to iphone users is: "If you learn android today (it's not harder, just a bit different), you'll save €500-1200 on phones over the next 6 years."