Best time to buy used car?


Registered User
My daughter is learning to drive and looking for her first car. What is the best time to buy? I say wait till the New Year when owners will be changing cars but she wants to buy now. Any advice gratefully received.

Yes I'd say wait until new year - it's when I always buy. Not first thing though - maybe end of Jan/beginning of Feb.
You'll need to wait a bit while people trade their cars in. You should probably leave your details with a few garages of the kind of car you want. They'll give you a call if something comes in.
I know a number of people trying without success to sell second hand cars. Assuming it is a second hand car that you are looking for, there is no need to wait and I believe that there is a lot of room for negotiation as people want to sell the cars before going in to a new year or to have the money for Christmas.
The world and his mother buys their car in January. Salesmen cannot walk without falling over someone wanting to give them money. It is a clean slate. New targets, new resolutions etc etc. December however, you cannot drag people into the salesroom to look at a secondhand car. They might want to make 2007 their best year yet sales wise....also gotta clear the decks for all those trade ins come January. Looking at a used car in December is when you will get the better deal.
Look in the buy and sell now, as there are a lot of drivers who dont want to trade in their cars and would rather buy with cash. I am always surprised that someone does not advertise that they want to BUY a car in december to take it in January. This would appeal to drivers who would otherwise trade in and You will get a bargain and they save as been a cash buyer with a dealership. I suggest placing a detailed add in the herald.