Best soundproofing windows



I have double glazing at the moment. Live in the flight path for Dublin airport (Santry). Its a few miles away but when the planes fly over the house when landing they come in very ow and are very loud.
I was thinking of getting new windows.
Anyone have any suggestions as to the best windows for soundproofing? And how much they would cost.
Would tripple glazing do the trick.
Could give Dublin Airport Themselves a call and talk to whomever is in charge of their building maintainence ? may be able to help
I used to live close to a flight path for years as a kid and when I moved away I found the new place unusually quite. Anyway I not sure the windows will do the trick, think of the noise coming through the roof, the vents etc.
Its not that the noise bothers me.
I'm so used to it i never even notice planes at all.
In fact i think my mind just blocks out the sound of a plane now.
Visitors hear the planes though.
Strange how the mind works.