Best Sat Nav for use in Ireland.

I am involved in map corrections around Ireland & I can list hundreds of corrections I have got addressed. If you want to forward me anything in particular I'll get it looked at.
What map are you on at the moment.?
Sorry I posted an image but it seems to have disappeared.

Using search for 1 Bridgefield, Killarney or 1 Dennehy's Road (sic). You can clearly see the rail line incorrectly marked about 50m west of the actual track and a road marked "rail track" with junctions onto public roads where the live railway line actually is.
Since I upgraded my iPhone software the NavFree app itn't working properly.
I am involved in map corrections around Ireland & I can list hundreds of corrections I have got addressed.

Hi Koolkid and a happy Christmas and New Year.

TeleAtlas still haven't fixed that dangerous situation in Killarney.

Do TomTom still use the dreadful Teleatlas service for Ireland?

I agree with that Latrade.

Whats frustrating about Tom Tom is not the inaccuracies as such but their lack of ability (interest) to fix the errors in timely fashion.


[broken link removed]
The problem at Dennehy's Bohereen , Killarney (where a live railway line is depicted as a public road) has still not been rectified. Google rectified the problem with in days!

When it comes to rural Ireland TeleAtlas/Tom Tom dont seem to be as committed as their rivals.