Best Santy Present/Worst Santy Present?


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My best was a particular bike I wanted, it had a hinge in the middle of the frame so you could fold it in half (god knows why you would want to!) and it was a lovely girly lilac colour, with a big loud bell on the handlebars.

The worst was the year I came downstairs to find a hamster in a cage - but he wasnt for me
I kind of made him mine though, well he bit me less than anyone else
Action Man Tank it was pretty big and no present since has ever impressed me as much.

Worst was a book on Feminist lesbian writers 1887 -1901 if I recollect correctly but I gave it the old "just what I had been hoping for" routine.(not a Santy present but one from my vindictive sister)
I got connect 4, that was my main present and the selection box was the 'surprise'. I did want some other game but my parents told me something along the line that Santa elves didn't make them for Ireland.

I was fine with that until I visited my cousins in town and saw Santa gave it to her. Parents explained that he must have stopped in the city first and must have run out before he got the countryside. Feel hook line and sinker. After playing with the game I was of the opinion that I was better off with the connect 4.

I still remember connect 4 as my favorite present.

Worst was a doll which was in 6 bits by 9am what with me trying to figure out where the leg stopped.
I have a friend, who is married with three children - and a wife who is a bit high maintenance. He has decided that the best present for her is a gym membership and a 18 year old polish au pair (who also models).

I sense there could be some friction!