Best remortage option

Ron J

Registered User
Have 450k left over 20 yrs on ppr with IIB. Topping up by 50k to finance house extension so will have 500k over 20 yrs. Tracker rate of 4.95%.Value of PPR is 700k approx. Should I stay with IIB or are there better options out there.
ICS are currently offering ECB + 0.65% tracker for mortgages >€500,000 and they'll offer €1,000 towards your legal fees if you switch to them. A limited period offer, apparently.

Liam D. Ferguson
With your LTV of about 70% you would still do slightly better with NIB (as per the Best Buys thread ) . They would give you a tracker of 4.56 and legal fees covered. You have to open an account with them - but that is free and previous posters have said that you don't have to use it for salary if you don't want to. You would pay 3180 a momth with NIB compared to 3203.87 with ICS mentioned above. Not a huge difference - but every little helps.
I have no conenction to NIB - just like to ensure people save money.
I have no dealings with NIB so can't say what their attitude to this might be, but if the extension is going to push up the value of your home beyond €700,000, you might be able to get an updated valuation after it's done and then if the value has gone up, use that to push down your rate with NIB.