Weigh 4 coins against 4 coins.
A: If they balance, the odd one is one of the remaining 4. Weigh 3 of the remaining 4 against 3 known normal ones. If this balances, the only remaining unweighed coin is odd and can be tested against a normal to see if it is lighter or heavier. If this doesn’t balance, the odd is in the 3 recently weighed – and you’ll know if it heavier or lighter because the 3 are being weighed against normals. Weigh 2 of the 3 against each other to work out which of the three is odd.
B: If they don’t balance, remove three coins from the heavy side, replace with three coins from the light side. Put three known normals on the light side.
If thy balance, one of the 3 heavy side coins removed is a heavy coin – weigh two of them against each other to figure out which one.
If the side that was heavy is now light, one of the 3 coins moved from the light side to the heavy side is a light coin – weigh two of them to figure out which of the three.
If the heavy side stays heavy, EITHER the unmoved heavy side coin is heavy or the unmoved light side coin is light – test one of these against a known normal to find out which.