best places to buy a laptop in ROI?


Registered User
Hi, have a simple laptop for working at home days, thinking of getting a second backup device, any suggestions for where to buy and what to buy? chromebooks are cheaper, simpler laptops? I would only need it for office tasks, docs, emails, a bit of internet browsing.
I actually use a Chromebook quite a bit, but it's really only useful if everything you do is Internet based. So if you're on Office365 and can compose documents and email online then it's actually quite a good option, and they tend to be much smaller, lighter and have better battery lives than a full Windows device.

For a regular Windows 10 laptop I'd probably just buy one from They're good quality laptops and you can pick everything you want without somebody hassling you to take nonsense add-ons you may not need...
Thanks for you reply. For work I have to sign on to my office platform using Citrix, would I then be a good match for a Chromebook?
Thanks for you reply. For work I have to sign on to my office platform using Citrix, would I then be a good match for a Chromebook?
As it happens I actually use a Chromebook to access Remote Desktop (similar to Citrix Receiver) work stuff as well, works perfectly for me and Citrix Receiver does appear to be available for the Chromebook. I wouldn't choose to use it as my primary laptop because sometimes you want to create something locally or fix your wifi or something, but as a backup I actually find it quite handy and cheap as chips.
The obvious place to start is with your work sys-admins to establish if they have any specific requirements (or exclusions) from a specification / security perspective.

Have a look at pricing on for HP laptops - an eye-opener.