Best Place to Source a Car in Japan for Import?


Registered User
Hi folks,

After my attempts to find a small engined automatic (either Micra or Yaris) here in Ireland have failed (very few for sale and those that are are overpriced, nothing suitable in the auctions either) I'm now looking to bringing one in from Japan. There is a fantastic range of 1 litre automatics there in good condition, and even after VAT, Duty, VRT etc I should have a decent low mileage car for over 1k less than the same Japanese import would cost here.

I've been looking at two places:

Firstly IBC Japan:
These guys have quite a few cars for sale themselves but will also bid in the auctions on your behalf. They also check the car out after winning the auction and will send it back if they find any problems.

Secondly is Trade Car View: [broken link removed]
This seems to be the Japanese equivilant of carzone and has thousands of cars from various dealers. A great selection again and you can haggle with the dealers and ask questions directly. That said it might be better to do everything staright through one company such as IBC

Anyway I'm looking for advice from people that have imported from Japan or have experience using either of the above or any other companies.

I've been looking around for about a month or two and want to speed things up and order a car soon enough. My old car has died and been got rid of so I'm cycling everywhere until I get a new one.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


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