Best place to park near Connolly for a few hours on saturday


Registered User
Preferably free of course - but may not be easy.

Does street parking become more easily avaialble say a couple of 100 meters down Amiens St away from Connolly - and is it reasonably safe?

It will be for about 2-3 hours on saturday afternoon.
I've parked on Buckingham St which isn't too far from Connolly Station in the past, both on working days and Croke Park Sundays - parking is free and never had a problem with security, etc. I've used the part of the street closest to Amiens St rather than further up, nearer Summerhill which I think has double yellow lines anyway.

If you are heading in towards the city via North Strand / Amiens St, Buckingham St is the right turn just before you go under the railway bridge.
Connolly station itself is actually pretty reasonable for parking if you can't get a free space.