i am thinking of changing my morgage i owe 79,000 my house is worth about 350,000 i pay about 635.00 a month does anyone know were i could get a better deal i am with AIB and have 15 years left on my morgage
any help appreciated
For your circumstances (owing less than 50% of the value of your house) - the lowest tracker rate in Ireland would be from NIB (National irish Bank) - currently 4.5% (ecb plus 0.5) as mentioned in the Best Home Loans "sticky" . Switching will require you to open a current account with them (no fees). The repayments on a 15 yr repayment mortgage of 79k would be 604 euro before any tax relief.
i am thinking of changing my morgage i owe 79,000 my house is worth about 350,000 i pay about 635.00 a month does anyone know were i could get a better deal i am with AIB and have 15 years left on my morgage
any help appreciated