Best mince pie

Henny Penny

Registered User
On the foot of the msg about the best frozen pizza I thought I'd ask this.

The best I've found so far is Tesco finest ... and the worst being aldi specially selected ... you can smell the drink from the aisle in the supermarket. Mr. Kipling are also a bit acidic. Any other suggestions for taste tests ... Mr HP will be happy to oblige.
Mrs Tarf makes her own mince and the kids help out with rolling out the pastry and filling the pies.
I take a lead role in eating all of them ;) .

I feel a Homer Simpson moment coming.
second the tesco brand if my mother-inlaw knows anything about mice pies. I personally dont like these types of pies in general.
Not too hot on mice pies meself either. As for mince pies - partial to the M&S ones which are v good value too.
M&S are the best of the main stores bought ones. If you're in Limerick then try Limerick Youth Service - for the last few years one of the best around also like Bean a Tí.