Best laptop for typing


Registered User

Just wondering if anyone could recommend a good laptop for typing?

I don't need internet access or anything fancy. Just want

Large screen (at least 17 inchs)
Long battery life
Comfortable to type (up to 5 hours a day)

I have only ever owned a dell (inspiron at the moment)which has been fine - just wondering if there are any better ones out there more suited to my needs?

Would a refurbished one be a good idea ?
Nearly all keyboards have a different "feel". If I were you, I would go into to somewhere like PC World and test drive all the display laptops and see which keyboard you feel happiest with.

I do a lot of typing, my keyboard is fine but sometimes I raise it up slightly for extra comfort.

I also have a separate numeric pad on my laptop which is useful - these are standard now on most 17" laptops.

I've found a few keyboards quite stiff e.g. Acer, but that is all down to personal preference. BTW my laptop is a Hewlett Packard.
Laptops wouldn't really be designed around that kind of extended period of typing. You'll find none are really that comfortable for 5 hours use.

Are you going to be using it at home or out and about? If it's at home, the simplest solution is as gipiman says, just get a separate keyboard. If our an about, you'll have to live with it.
I have a Sony Viao and part of the reason I chose it was because the keyboard is easier for typing. It is comfortable for typing for long periods of time as well. Would recommend one.
I went from a desktop with wireless keyboard/mouse to a 17" Dell inspiron and hooked the keyboard/mouse to it, I think it's a good compromise. You have the portability of the laptop when needed but the good full size keyboard for extended typing.
Thanks for all the replies - like the idea of the laptop and separate keyboard....will check that out - cheers
Has anyone experience with the Dell Zino?

Small desktop type of PC
The only way you'll know is by trying the keyboard out.

Good idea. Make sure you do try out the keyboard first before buying it. I bought one recently and was a little disappointed that the angle was relatively flat (i.e. the keyboard didn't really slope toward me). All down to personal choice, of course, but try it out first.
or a laptop and separate full-sized keyboard?

I have this and even a seperate monitor as well all connected to my laptop.

Seperate monitor as occassionally I like to surf standing up due to back ache.
Works a treat.
for me toshiba satellite is the best laptop for typing's for me maybe not suit to you.