Best Insurer for first time driver


Registered User
Can anyone advise of insurers for first time drivers that dont charge a small fortune.
When I was looking a couple of years ago I went with Eagle Star (still with them). Have heard a few bad reports of Quinn Direct but then again you always hear the bad stuff ...
Quinn are fine-as long as you don't have any claims for or against (apparently)!

I was with them for 2 years-no real complaints-it was the only way I could afford to drive at that time.

If you take the Hibernian 'Ignition' course (discussed elsewhere on the site), you may do as well as you would with Quinn. and [broken link removed] may be able to do a better deal on Hibernian insurance than going directly to Hibernian.
My brother went with Britton about a year ago, about €700 cheaper than anyone else. It still worked out about 2.5k but bear in mind he was only 19 at the time and driving a focus. I went with AXA first off many moons ago but am now with tesco. I always found those and sites to be alot more expensive than the actually companies they were quoting own websites so shop around. Good luck with it!
i would try best quote the number is in the yellow pages. they will search around a few people and give you the best quote. A friend of mine is with them she got her insurance for 700 euro and she's only on her 2nd yr driving.

she was with quinn direct payed a little over 2000 for her 1st yr crazy isnt it.

Ive heard some bad things about quinn direct myself and from my dealings with them years ago there not at all friendly.

as someone else mentioned there brittons are ament to be good but i think you might have to do a course (im not sure).

I will ask my friend which company it is that she got for 700

try bargaining

my sister got cold called (she in some union)
but she was asked
what are you paying at the moment
she says €500
Thats comprehsive?
ok we'll cover you for €450 how does that sound
I'll take it.

She actually only had third party insurance with the previous insurer
provisional licence and deiving a 00 3 series BMW 1.6

didnt work for me but might for you.
I recently got insurance for the first time with AXA after alot of shopping around... they ended up being the cheapest..

And if you can get a cheaper quote elsewhere go back to them to see if they will match it or drop their quote.

Good Luck!