Best Christmas Ad?


Registered User
Ok we had the worst tv ad's now given the time of year whats your favourite christmas tv ad? Mine is the bud ad with the horses have a snowball fight :D . And finnally a merry christmas to all who have the time and decency to help others day in and day out!!!!!!!
My favorite is the Kelloggs ad where the little girl wakes up to find Santa and he gives her some cornflakes. Really cute ad
Ah pennys...the music alone is a sure sign for me that Christmas is here...that and all of the Coke Cola adds!!
Top Three have to be:

Penny's (Got a whole lotta things for Christmas)
Coca-Cola (The holidays are coming)
Bud - (Happy Holidays)
kazbah said:
Top Three have to be:

Penny's (Got a whole lotta things for Christmas)
Coca-Cola (The holidays are coming)
Bud - (Happy Holidays)

Thats my worst three!
Oh yeah talking of ads in general - I LOVE the rabo direct ones!
kazbah said:

Is there a if Carlsberg did Christmas ad?
Their ads are usually pretty good.

Have'nt seen any yet, but there will probably be one. I love the whole series of Carlsberg ad's "The Danes hate to see it leave" - there so clever, like most ad's.
kazbah said:
Penny's (Got a whole lotta things for Christmas)

Reminds me of a quite from the book on the Shankill Butchers that one side would sing to taunt the other side who had lost one of their key hitmen....went to the same tune "Lenny's - got a hole in his head for Christmas, got a whole lot........."

My favourite ever was the alka seltzer ad from a few years ago, There was a series of two maybe three. First ad was two guys in a boat drifting at sea and a seagull flying around. Screen goes blank then goes back to the two guys no seagull and the tag line - Alka Seltzer for when you've eaten something you shouldn't . A week later the ad ran with the two guys no seagull, screen goes blank then goes back to the boat - only one guy. Alka Seltzer for when you've eaten something you shouldn't !!! i thought it was brill. I never saw it since though so I imagine they got a few complaints.
As mentioned in another related thread, my favourite is the radio advert for Barry's Gold Blend Tea featuring an older gentleman reminising about getting a train set from Santa many years ago. I think the content and production are excellent.
The Heineken add where the fella robs one of the bottles.
Think its called the Holiday 5 pack

the worst one is M+S. where the blurb states 'hand picked stilton' what is hand picked stilton when its at home? I like the Carlsberg adds though, they make me smile, except I will repeat what I have said on another thread, carlsberg brewed in Northampton, should be left on the shelf. (3.8%) pure p**s, and thats being generous to p**s. buy the Irish brewed version. Much much better.
I don't think it's on Irish TV screens just yet, but [broken link removed] one gets my vote! ;) (2.37Mb .wmv file)