Best Buys List


Registered User
Hi Clubman,
why does the bset buys list not contain trackers for mortages, the Ulster bank tracker coupled with a U-first account appears to be the cheapest out there atm ( even with the €9 account charge)?
  1. The best buys list is only a summary and not an exhaustive list of all products on the market.
  2. Some bundled products which require one product to be purchased in order to get another (e.g. UFirst Trackers requiring one to open a UFirst account) are not included. Product bundling often simply serves to deflect from the real costs inherent in a product and militates against like with like comparisons.
  3. It may be possible to get better deals than those listed if you meet specific criteria or haggle.
  4. All of the variable rate owner occupier mortgages listed are trackers.
  5. Ulster Bank already feature in the <60% and >60% lists - what UB rate are you referring to and what are the qualifying terms/conditions?